Friday, June 29, 2012

Dinner for Two

I am participating in the Tablescape Thursday over at Between Naps on the Porch for the first time. My fiance is out of town until tomorrow, so I'll surprise him with a simply nice dinner for two on our new kitchen counter.

We only just finished putting our kitchen counters in, for over the past year we've had to make-do with granite tile and chipboard.

We now have oak butcher block from IKEA, after several coats of waterlox they are now installed. The other half of our kitchen has been installed for over 6 months, and we love them.

Simple. Now, what should I make for dinner?


  1. Hi there, Kiki! This is my first visit to your blog via Susan's Tablescape Thursday. I was immediately drawn to your name because it is the same as my first-born niece. :-) Your red & white set up is very calming, and I am sure your husband will be so happy to see you making the most of your new countertops. I had no idea Ikea has that kind of stuff!!! I have never visited one since the closest is like 700 miles away!!! Enjoy your new kitchen, and have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I just love the simple red and white!
