Saturday, December 29, 2012

Crinkle Crankle Wall

A Crinkle Crankle Wall in Bramfield, Suffolk. The crinkle crankle wall economizes on bricks, despite its sinuous configuration, because it can be made just one brick thin. If a wall this thin were to be made in a straight line, without buttresses, it would easily topple over. The alternate convex & concave curves in the wall provide stability & help it to resist lateral forces. The term is thought to come from Old English meaning zig-zag. Suffolk has twice as many as in the rest of the country.
"A Crinkle Crankle Wall in Bramfield, Suffolk. The crinkle crankle wall economizes on bricks, despite its sinuous configuration, because it can be made just one brick thin. If a wall this thin were to be made in a straight line, without buttresses, it would easily topple over. The alternate convex & concave curves in the wall provide stability & help it to resist lateral forces. The term is thought to come from Old English meaning zig-zag. Suffolk has twice as many as in the rest of the country."~Wikipedia.

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