Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Have you got a hobby?
This year we have travelled so much that I've had a lot of time to reflect on my hobbies. It all started when I read The Happiness Project, and although I'm not as extreme as Gretchen as to discovering 'me', I sat down and wrote a list titled 'who is Kiki?'
Ha ha
I like who I am as a person; my childhood, my values, choices, morals and I strive to do my best at all times.
Nobodies perfect though, and one of my biggest flaws is being a people pleaser.
My biggest talents are homemaking related activities, decorating, cooking, cleaning, gardening, looking after children, teaching, spending time with family and pets, entertaining etc...
But I also enjoy learning more about our world, our differences {religion, politics}, travel and reading other blogs to get inspiration and a different view of our world.
As I grow each and every year, I discover hobbies that I want to pursue, one of which is potting.
I'd like to start small and grow a container garden of fresh vegetables.  
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With health being a concern, and so much up in the air about our food these days, I'd like to grow my own.
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We mostly eat:
-red onions
-carrots for juicing
-celery for juicing
-tomatoes for sauces
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The whole homesteading, grow your own phase is really appealing to me.
Which brings me to another topic. Recycling.
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I lived in West Linn, a suburb of Portland Oregon for over three years and by golly, they are the most 'green friendly' attitudes I have personally experienced.
I'd love a neat place in my garage to recycle more, and possibly a compost heap, to downsize the amount of trash we throw out.
Any tips?
I've also always enjoyed up-cycling. Finding unloved furniture and re-furbishing it. I have done it mostly as a hobby, but because I can't keep every piece I paint, I have sold pieces here and there.
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Another new hobby is going to the beach. Having lived in the Pacific Northwest I went to the beach every now and then, but it was usually windy, chilly and you'd keep your socks on. But since we are in Florida for the summer this year, I've embraced weekly trips to sit on the beach, play in the sea, have a picnic, relax and catch up.
Life's a beach.
Ha ha
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So, I'll put on my sunscreen, and summer dresses and frolic around trying to pursue my hobbies.
Would love to hear yours. What hobbies do you have that develop your sense of self?
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