Thursday, January 9, 2014

5 Reasons I Love Pinterest

I went onto my Pinterest account today, as I do everyday and I was surprised to see that I have pinned so many pins.
...drum roll please...
4,500 pins y'all.
I really enjoy going onto Pinterest, here are some of my reasons:
I like that I can choose who to follow.
With other social media sites, you have an unwritten rule that you only friend people you know, but on Pinterest you can follow anybody, which allows you to find fellow pinners who have a similar interest, taste, or style as I do.
Don't enjoy this or that.
My feed is an awesome dream world free from things I don't like seeing. I really don't have an interest in tattoos, or street style fashion, or different color hair. So I simply un-follow those boards,  on Pinterest nobody takes offense...I also take no offense if someone wants to un-follow my tea party board or vintage fashion. So we're all even.
Creative answer.
I like seeing creativity, ideas, or using the search bar to find an answer to a question. Recently I was curious to find what plants prevent mosquito bites. One quick search and I found a list of flowers/herbs I can grow in my garden to detract mosquitoes.
See who I am.
When I look at my boards, all 48 of them, I notice what my interests really are. My home board is so consistent with one particular style and my recipes are mostly ones I look at, don't always make, but in some dream world think I might try one day.
It really is my dream world.
It's relaxing looking at flowers, inspirational reading quotes, and almost makes you feel organized for pinning all your favorite books in one place. With modern day media 24/7 giving us an influx of bad news, it's just too much. It can make you paranoid about the world we live in. Pinterest is an escape of all that, where you can pin your dream world, in a positive place with like minded pinners.

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