Thursday, February 13, 2014

Nana's Soup and Family History Evening

I'm really looking forward to next week, we'll be closing on our new home and I cannot wait to start decorating and making it homey.
Talking of homey, one of my favorite authors is Susan Branch. I've slowly been collecting her recipe books, and have tried out a lot of her recipes. This recipe, Indiana ham and sweet potato soup is the closest one I can find that is just like my Nana's which is a perfect served with freshly made bread rolls for a family history evening.
Indiana Ham and Sweet Potato Soup - Susan Branch
Despite the snow, and bewildering winter evenings staying at home has given me a lot of extra time to do more of my families history research. It is so important to gather what you already know from your loved ones before they pass, as I have learned.
My immediate family is a lot smaller now, besides my husband and his family, I have my precious mum and a younger sister. All my grandparents have passed, and my dad died last year at a young age of pancreatic cancer.
In our home, we have a new tradition of family history evening. Both my husband and I gather with any family who is here either in person, or simply on the phone to talk about our family history.
 Family History Night
We talk about our ancestors and their brave or scandalous stories, and sometimes just about our research. But by far, one of the best ways to remember someone is to make one of the family recipes.
My Nana' was staunchly British, she could best be described akin to The Dowager Countess of Grantham from Downton Abbey. She upheld very high standards on society and our family, and as a matriarch she was always cooking and always made sure to make enough for everyone, nobody left hungry.
So, I can't think of a better way to spend a snow day, indoors, with ham and sweet potato soup reminiscing with family. 
I'm linking up with Grace at home #93
and Kelly's Korner

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