Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Becker Family (3 Generations)

The Becker Family (3 generations). My husband's maternal grandmother's line.

Becker Name Meaning

Dutch, German, Danish, and Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a baker of bread, or brick and tiles, from backen ‘to bake’. It would have been used for the person with responsibility for baking bread in the kitchen of a great household, or for the owner of a communal oven used by the whole village. In the latter case, the right to run this oven and change money or loaves in return for its use was often a hereditary feudal privilege.

Our line of the Becker's goes back 167 years to the year 1850.


Jacob Becker
b. January 3rd, 1850 d. June 6th, 1918
a. October 24th, 1904 NYC

Anna Maria Schnur
b. February 11th, 1855 d. November 14th, 1926

3rd great-grandparents of husband

Places lived: Hungary, Bulgaria, Chicago, Illinois, US

Death certificate for Anna Becker, nee Schnur

Peter Becker
b. June 27th, 1875 d. April 5th, 1954
a. 1906

Margaretha "Maggie" Haich
b. April 10th, 1877 d. February 20th, 1956
a. 1906

2nd great-grandparents of husband

Places lived: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria
Heart River, North Dakota, US, Eugene, Oregon, US

Peter Becker

Maggie Becker, nee Haich
Peter and Maggie Becker

Maggie Becker, nee Haich
US Census, 1910

North Dakota, Territorial and State Censuses, 1915

U.S., World War I Draft Registration Card, 1918, for Peter Becker
North Dakota, Territorial and State Census, 1925, for Peter Becker

US Census, 1930
US Census, 1940

Peter and Maggie's memorial stone.

Elizabeth Agnes Becker
b. April 21st, 1902 d. April 22nd, 1984

Frank Nick Jungers
b. January 11th, 1902 d. January, 1969

great-grandparents of husband

Places Lived: Bulgaria,
Regent, North Dakota, US, Eugene, Oregon, USA

Frank and Elizabeth Jungers, nee Becker on their wedding day.

US Census, 1930

US Census, 1940

US City Directory, 1947

US City Directory, 1960, 2nd line on right page

Frank and Elizabeth's memorial stone.

Happy genealogy researching,

-Kiki Nakita-

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1 comment:

  1. My paternal grandmother was a Becker, her mother, Emma Soelle Becker immigrated from Germany. I just love the old wedding photos.
