Friday, January 19, 2018

Our Childhood Snow Days and Snow At The Farm

Good morning my dears.

This week snow came to the Carolinas. So for a laugh (with us, not at us), I thought I'd show you some photos I found of our childhood snow days in the eighties and nineties.


My hubby grew up in Wyoming and Nevada (near the Ruby Mountains) where they had months and months of snowy winters. He's the youngest brother, wearing red snow pants in these pictures. 

He was the cutest on skis.

Whereas, I grew up in South Africa and didn't see snow for the first time until moving to England when I was around eight. I remember coming home from school, in my school uniform, putting on my wellies and helping my younger sister, Gigi, build a snowman. 

Fast forward two decades. 

On our snow day we drove to the farm to take a peek and we definitely got a lot more snow than last year. You have to take your picture without hesitation, because within a day or two its all melted away. 

This is what we call the side garden, over an acre of lawn surrounded by mature trees, which will eventually be our dogs; Sophie (9), Oscar (8), and Kelsie's (2.5) future playground. 

Our forest, which has acres and acres of uninterrupted forest views will be visible from all the windows from the back of the farmhouse, including the double-story great room. 

The farmhouse now has unpainted siding and twelve columns around the porch. We picked out a white color, ironically called snowbound. Which we can't wait to see painted. The shutters are Wedgewood blue, and the wooden door needs to be stained English Walnut - the same color as the door to my childhood home

Our current 1983 southern colonial home has a lot of similarities. It is in an established neighborhood with neighbors who have been here since the nineties. We're most likely renting it our when we move, so it won't be as hard to move away. 

Previous snow days:

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?

Kiki Nakita

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1 comment:

  1. Great memories and love your new house and your current one as well. We've had cold, cold temps and snow this past week and we are NOT use to this and it pretty much shut things down for a couple of days. Thankfully it's behind us and hopefully never to return. Happy weekend!
