Monday, March 18, 2019

New TV In The Family Room

Good afternoon my dears,

When we moved into our home, a year ago, we decided to turn the third floor - would be sixth bedroom - into a family room. Firstly, we don't need six bedrooms, and secondly, this space upstairs is cozy and has the best view in the house of the Moon.

We had a tiny television, it often left us squinting at the screen and turning up the volume to hear as if we were elderly folk in an old folks home. Have you ever encountered that problem? So we knew that we'd have to start saving for an eventual upgrade. Which we just did. 

We bring up a tray with tea or coffee, a few snacks, and settle up here in the evenings to watch our DVR'd shows. Our cats, Boo and Milly also enjoy coming and spending time with us up here. Other than an hour or two in the evenings we don't watch any other television throughout the day. How about you? Do you watch a lot of television?

- Family Room - 

Here's a sneak peek... you can see, our family room still has a bit of a new home feel. Eventually, I would like to add a country green hue to the walls, frame some maps that we acquired of North America and Europe to put behind the couch, and give it a more lived in feel. 

- Video -

The shenanigans of bringing up and setting up a 65" television.

Thank you for stopping by. 

-Kiki Nakita-

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Grace at Home #333


  1. Beautiful.. please share when you put up the maps. How fun!

  2. I loved that hint of emerald green from that ottoman when I saw it on instagram. I really do always love that color! If I was good at upholstery work, I would redo our ottomoan in our living room because it is just beige so it tends to show all the kids' spills. Eddie and I usually try to cuddle up and watch a show together after the kids are all in bed...which can sometimes be quite late so we often fall asleep before it happens. Haha! What are some of your favorite shows right now? We just use Amazon Prime and Netflix primarily now but Starz is our one movie channel splurge mostly so we can watch Outlander. I recommend Call the Midwives as one of my all time favorite shows now, but I love almost all BBC shows. :-)

  3. Good job! We are way too old for that so we hired a sound and equipment .crew to hang our 6 huge TV's. Your home is lovely!

  4. Kiki I just ADORE your decorating style. I would select all of these same furniture choices. Particularly your couch. ;)
