Tuesday, May 7, 2019

25th Annual Gardener's Garden Tour

Good afternoon my dears,

Last weekend we attended the 25th Annual Gardner's Garden Tour, hosted by Wing Haven Garden and Bird Sanctuary. They showcased five different gardens, all of which were unique. Which would be your favorite?
- One - 

- Two -

- Three - 

- Four - 

- Five -

- Video -

Thank you for stopping by. 

-Kiki Nakita-

You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin' or YouTube


  1. I love your pictures and travels! These gardens are just lovely, but I will take either one with a pool. We need that down here in this southern heat. I can't wait for your visit. So I have been working on changing my blog to wordpress so your link to follow it may be broken. You can follow the blogger blog at oursweetlovestory1.blogspot.com and the new wordpress blog is at www.oursweetlovestory.com. Hope you can find those. :-)

  2. Beautiful!!!! Beautiful!!! I love your garden tours. Please keep sharing.
