Tuesday, August 20, 2019

6th Wedding Anniversary at Ayr Mount and Fearrington Village

Good afternoon my dears,

Its been awhile since I've had a chance to update my blog. The reason being that since July 1st, we've been going through a second round of IVF. I've tried to keep an IVF journal of sorts on my Instagram stories. Here's a link if you're interested in our journey. 

All this to say, I'm finally getting caught up on downloading memories and organizing pictures for my blog and vlog. Here are some memories from our 6th wedding anniversary.

- Cory and Kiki - 
Celebrating six years of marriage, and almost nine years since our first date.

To celebrate we decided to take a day trip to Ayr Mount and Fearrington Village.

- Ayr Mount - 
Ayr Mount is a Federal style plantation house in the Hillsborough, NC neighborhood. Built circa 1815, by scotsman, William Kirkland for himself, his wife, Margaret, and their children. The Kirkland family lived at Ayr Mount for four generations, until 1985 when the last Mrs. Kirkland passed away. It is now cared for by the by Classical American Homes Preservation Trust. 

- Fearrington Village - 
Fearrington Village was built circa 1974, when the Fitches purchased the two-centuries old dairy farm from Jesse Fearrington. Jesse inherited the farm that was started by his great-great grandfather, William Cole who staked out a 640-acre claim in 1786. They named the community Fearrington in his honor. The Fitches wanted to create a "coming together place" what they didn't anticipate is that it would be a haven for the birds and butterflies. 

Where we had our anniversary dinner.

If you ever want to feel like you're in a Hallmark movie, then you need to visit Fearrington Village. 

- Video -
Some memories from our day trip.

Thank you for stopping by. 

-Kiki Nakita-