Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Big Announcement

Good morning my dears,

I've been a little quiet on my blog lately... for good reason, as I spent the majority of my late summer undergoing a successful second round of IVF. I decided to focus all my time and attention on my RE appointments and kept a diary, of sorts, on my IG stories. At the time of writing this, I'm 14 weeks, 2 day pregnant with a miracle baby boy. As you can imagine, we both feel extremely grateful and blessed. Big thank you to anyone who kept us in their thoughts and prayers, it meant/means a lot to us.  

Kiki Nakita 

You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, or Bloglovin' 


  1. Good Luck my deer and get a lot of rest. God bless you and your miracle baby. Thelma. xo

  2. Congratulations my friend. Take care of yourself and rest well. I am so excited for you and your husband and family.
    xx oo

  3. OMG! I'm just seeing this post and my heart is filled with happiness for you both. What a blessed little boy. Prayers that you will continue to do just great!
