Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hodgepodge of Cheesy 90's Disneyland Pictures


1. The month of July was named for Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. He's quoted as saying, 'Experience is the teacher of all things." So what has experience taught you lately?
I've grown a lot over the past few years. At twenty-four I was so uncertain of what lay ahead. I was fresh out of college, had moved in with my dad and my life mirrored that of the movie Post Grad. Then, slowly but surely life happened. Now I'm married, have a home, and finally at twenty-eight I feel settled and ready to start a family. In the past, I kept planning for this moment, I always looked far ahead, until one day I realized...I'm here, and my future will be how I spend my moment, right at this moment.
In my experience, once your settled, it's okay to quit worrying and to make the most of the moment.

 2. Where did you last 'roam'?
Well darlings, last month I roamed to England to go spend some time with my family and my old high-school friends who I've known since I was eleven. This time however, was different than all my other trips back home. It was my hubby's first time there and also it was the first time to visit a place I've always wanted to visit, Althorp the childhood home of Diana, Princess of Wales.
Don't we look peachy?

 3. Speaking of 'Rome', pasta, can only pick one, which would you choose?
Oh, all of them!
If I had to choose, I'd choose pasta. Susan Branch has a fabulous pasta salad recipe, I can't wait to try!

 4. 'Rome wasn't built in a day', 'All roads lead to Rome', 'When in Rome...' which 'Roman' idiom have you most recently encountered? Explain.
Most likely, 'Rome wasn't built in a day'. Happens when you have a house to re-model. Our house was built in the eighties, like me! It has been loved on over the years, but it needs updating. S l o w l y...but surely we're getting there.

 5. What's a movie you've seen or a book you've read, that makes you want to book a trip to Italy?
Under the Tuscan Sun. Have you seen it? It stars Diana Lane a recently divorced American who finds herself a lonely in Tuscany, longing for companionship, a family, and running water, among other things.

 6.  Walt's original Disneyland opened almost sixty years ago, on July 17, 1955  Have you ever been to the California park? How about any of the other Disney parks around the world? What's your favorite amusement park ride or attraction?
I've never been to Disneyland in California, but I have been to the one in Paris!
It was the summer of 1999, I was thirteen and my little sister was eight. We (along with my Mum and Nana) drove from England to get there. We spent a night on a ferry from Dover, to Calais to get across the English Channel, and were we beyond excited to be enchanted princesses for a day.
Now let me dig up some cheesy 90's photos. The first here is the back of my Nana walking into the magic kingdom.
And, of course more cheesy 90's pictures, this one of me wearing a floral leggings and sweater set. Don't laugh! It was gifted to me from my aunt.
 I think this was an Alice in Wonderland attraction. Me and my floral self again...
We stayed in a Western style hotel. I remember my sister and I loved it! We ate our meals in a barn type building, family style of course and all the buildings around our room were as if we'd stepped back into the wild, wild west.
Quite the rebels you see!

 7. It's that time of year...when were you last bitten or stung?
A few days ago. I was bitten alive at the beginning of the summer and so I've been much more diligent about taking my vitamin B1 daily, and staying inside the pool, seems that they don't care to swim too much.

 8.  Insert your own random thought here.
This week our pool was finished (yay), and now I'm starting to dream up landscaping ideas. The possibilities are endless for an enchanted forest, or a cottage garden, or a southern patio and a herb garden.
Pool and Garden Landscaping
Hope your enjoying your summer as much as we are!


  1. Love the Disney photos. Always fun to look back on our fashion statements over the years. :) Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Wow-your pool looks wonderful! I'm sure you'll enjoy that! It was fun to see your Disney pics. I'd like to roam around England for a bit. We are overdue for a trip back, but with a wedding in a few months I don't see it happening until later. Have a great weekend!
