Happy Friday.
This week has been a relaxing one, we've spent a lot of time in the pool, enjoying the last few weeks we'll be staying in Florida.
Oscar has been taking a few naps...
I ventured into Trader Joe's and bought some marinated chicken, fresh fruits and vegetables. You can read about that
here. I also
treated myself to some sunflowers.
My hubby brought be a pint of coffee chocolate chip gelato from Publix. Oh my goodness, it is so delicious, I treat myself to a few spoonfuls every few days.
If you know me well, you will soon find me surrounded by my watercolors. I have been working on a hand lettered, watercolor collection of both mine and my hubby's childhood memories. Here's a sneak peak at my work space...
I love to look in magazine's for inspiration, and in this image I was inspired by this Victorian style roll top bath and the pink peonies.
Last, but not least we went to see The Butler the other evening. Such a moving film, with references to The South, past President's and to our country that now has fairer equality than fifty years ago. Oh, and in the scene from the 80's with Oprah...my hubby says his mom had the exact same sweatsuit. Cringe! Ha ha.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I'm linking up with 5 on Friday