Monday, October 26, 2015

Our Infertility Journey

Hello my dears, today I'm opening up a chapter in my diary and sharing it with you. For months we've been poked, prodded and tested beyond measure to try and conceive. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility/male infertility.
We started talking about starting a family in May of 2014, about ten months after we were married. We had started to settle in our new home in the Carolinas, and although we still had a lot of remodeling underway we started the discussions.
How many? What values and morals are important to us? What religious denomination would we affiliate with? What if we have all girls, or all boys? What are our schooling plans? Do we have enough savings? College alone would set us back over $200,000 and hubby is determined to be a responsible dad, and not let our children go into debt as a start in life.
Then, in August 2015 my hubby had a job offer from a Christian ministry and television network and he accepted. We felt secure, and ready the next month to start trying to conceive. That month and all the months after I tested, and each time we got a BFN.
The benefits were we no longer needed to worry about any contraceptive methods, as I've never taken any form of birth control. The strongest medication I've ever taken was after my wisdom teeth were removed. Our insurance was renewing, so we went to see our family doctor for our annual check up. We discussed we were having trouble conceiving, and he referred us to an RE.
When we first started this journey thirteen months ago, we didn't know the language, or all that was involved. I joined a group and found solace in reading about other couples journeys and delighted that when I divulged the details that they fully understood, and didn't draw a blank.
Here's the calendar of our journey so far.

May '14 Started talking about starting a family
Sep '14 Started trying to conceive (ttc)
Apr '15 went to see family doctor for annual check up, he referred us to REACH
May 11th '15 blood work and vaginal ultrasound
Jun 8th '15 HSG (good results)
Aug 8th '15 blood work and vaginal ultrasound. Hubby had his blood work and a SA done (neither of us had any genetic abnormalities)
Sep 30th '15 Consult with Dr.Wing
Oct 5th '15 blood work and vaginal ultrasound cd4
Oct 5th-9th started a cycle of Clomid (my side effects: hot flushes, hand eye co-ordination was off)
Oct 13th '15 blood work and vaginal ultrasound cd12 11mm, 14mm, 19mm follicles. Grow 1-2mm a day.
Oct 14th '15 Ovidrel trigger shot
Oct 16th '15 first IUI
Oct 31st '15 pregnancy test  
Luckily, unlike most I'm indifferent. I'm neither too anxious about a BFP, nor too worried about a BFN. If our IUI doesn't work, we'll try two more times, Nov '15, and Dec '15 if we have enough saved in our HSA account.
If that doesn't work we'll either look into IVF, which is a lot more invasive and ten times more expensive, or adoption. I'm actually not opposed to adoption, and we have talked about possibly adopting domestically in the future, even if we do have healthy biological children.
Here's hoping sharing our experience, encourages others who are going through the same journey. Our fertility clinic has a board that explains that it's not okay to say "we understand", when you don't. Only those who go through this journey truly understand.
Keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.

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