Friday, May 10, 2013

SUYL: 7 Tips to Enjoying What You Do

Today, I'm linking up with Kelly's Korner for the SUYL tips for finding jobs.
I am one of those few people who loves what they do for a living.
I studied Interior Design for 5 years, and had two degrees by the time I was twenty-four.
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It has been a few years since my college graduation, and I have been a busy bee ever since.
I've worked in showrooms, for model homes, builders and on my own online magazine.
I'm a typical Gemini, with a got to get 'er done personality.
So here's what I've stumbled upon learnt along the way:
Always start.
Sounds silly, but the first step to ever achieving anything is to stop talking about it and just start.
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Be mindful, thoughtful and always keep trying.
Always be mindful to be punctual and thoughtful to 'do' what you said you'd get done. It shows integrity. If all else fails. Try again!
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What...the what?
If you really can't do something, then don't. Ask for help. We can't all be perfect at everything all the time.
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Change it up.
Look and feel the part. Be comfortable with who you are, and let it show. Times when your feeling bad and don't care to dress Or get a treat, like a latte before or after work.
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Taking breaks, for a walk outside...away from that fluorescent light can refresh the mind. I don't know about you...but I have light sensitivity and can get headaches, nausea, or dizzy if I don't have enough natural light.
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Be entrepreneurial.
Do more than what's asked. Step out the box. Start a side business, or read about how you can improve. Some of my favorite's are The Business of Bliss  and How to Profit from Doing What You Love by Victoria Magazine and The Boss of You by Lauren Bacon and Emira Mears.
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Keep updated.
No matter our age, we can always learn something new. Take a class, keep up with social media and don't post something you wouldn't want your grandmother reading. Keep opinions/thoughts to yourself unless their nice...or your doing one of Kelly's coffee mornings. :)
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To be honest though.
I am not a morning person, so any job that requires me to be there early...isn't going to get their money's worth. That's why I've chosen to be entrepreneurial and make money doing what I love.
Luckily, for me I found a job where I show people around model homes, design flyer's, make preliminary design changes, help homeowners select materials and colors for their new homes...and up to a month ago, I did most of the work on the weekends. I always kept on top of it when my fiance got transferred 2,500 miles away, they graciously kept me on.
I now do the plans, come up with schemes and do the paperwork online...for 25-30 hours a week.It's nice to be able to enjoy what I do...
Well, I'm looking forward to all your suggestions...hope you too, are doing what you love...and have figured out a way to be paid for it!


Jennifer Warren said...

Really uplifting. Thank you Kiki.

Jenna {Real Simple Girl} said...

Found you through Kelly's Korner link-up. I loved all your positive reminders! Your job sounds so fun, too! I love to hear that someone is doing what they love because that's really rare these days.

Kelly said...

Found you at Kelly's Korner, great advice. It's so funny because your Julia Child quote is one of my favorites, and I just happened to use it in a blog post last night!

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