The first of many Christmases at our new home.
Christmas Eve Lunch.

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at Matthews United Methodist Church.

The start of our Christmas village...

...where it didn't snow this year.

Lot's of English and German goodies.

Oscar and Sophie got some toys for Christmas they were really happy. Our cats Buster, Boo & Milly got some turkey cat food.

We wore purple for Grandee, her favorite color.

We had a beautiful Carolina blue day as we went on an Architects tour of The Biltmore.
On the tour we ventured up to the roof where there were uninterrupted views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Once copper, the roof has oxidized with a green patina. Apparently when it rains, the copper patina protects the roof and prevents moss from growing upon it. Who knew?!

Gargoyles to ward off evil spirits.

He said "I think we'll take it"...

...with 43 bathrooms I chuckled that one off!

We stopped for awhile and watched the most beautiful sunset before heading to The Omni Grove where we stayed awhile and sampled their delicious buffet.

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